Where Wild Browns Roam and “Red Charr” Run
East River, CO Jubilant laughter and festiveness greet me as I step out of the chilly late-spring...
Kelly Creek, ID: Westslope Cutthroat Paradise
After a long drive, Mary and I rolled into our isolated headquarters—the U.S. Forest Service’s Kelly Forks Campground in northwest...
Green River, UT: The Wild and Remote B and C Sections
Story and Photos by Ken Proper Scott Barrus slipped the oar sleeves into the thole pins, made the collars snug, and pulled. The boat slid...
From the Creel: New at the Tying Bench
Tools, beads, and synthetic specialty materials rule our 2023 review of new fly-tying materials,...
Mysteries of the Deep
Main Stem Delaware River, NY/PA As buds on bare, brown branches herald the coming spring, Hendricksons and Blue Quills pop from the...
Cebolla Creek, CO: Welcome to Brown Town, USA
By Doug Dillingham To loosely paraphrase the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu, “Give a man a brown trout and you feed him for a day....
New Orvis Film Highlights Critical Conservative Effort in the Everglades
The new Orvis-produced film Follow the Water literally follows the imperiled course that water...
Green River, UT
The Wild and Remote B and C Sections Scott Barrus slipped the oar sleeves into the thole pins, made the collars snug, and pulled. The boat...